Top Tailwind Libraries to use in 2024

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Posted underWebsite components

UI libraries have long been cherished by developers for the efficiency they bring to the table. Since the advent of Bootstrap in 2011, we’ve seen numerous component libraries released with their own design philosophies and styles. Then Tailwind entered the ring as a low level framework allowing developers to use their utility classes to create their own reusable components.

TailwindCSS is my favorite framework for CSS by far because of the flexibility it brings. You’ll rarely find yourself needing to create custom css when using the framework.

In this article, we’ll be diving into the top Tailwind libraries to use for your next website or app.

1. Shadcn

2. NextUI

3. HeadlessUI

4. HeroIcons (for svg icons)

5. Radix UI

6. Tremor (for charts)


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